Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week 7

The greatest thing you
'll ever learn is
to love and be loved in return.

—Nat King Cole, "Nature Boy"

Week 7
M 3.8
READ: CR—“Why One Queer Person Is Not Celebrating California's Historic Gay Marriage Decision” by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, “Preserve Traditional Marriage for Benefit of Future Generations” by Roger Crouse; GL, p. 44-94
IN-CLASS: Reading discussion; Preview—PowerPoint presentations; Presentation sign-ups

W 3.10
READ: CR—“The Worst Thing About Gay Marriage” by Sam Shulman, “We Don't Need Gay Marriage” by Mark Vernon, “Sex and Consequences” by Peter Wood; GL, p. 95-143; eR—“The Sanctity of Marriage” from This American Life
IN-CLASS: Reading discussion; Lecture: "The Fundamentals of Persuasion;" Preview—Persuasive essay
DUE: Journal 3


Week 8
M 3.15
READ: CR—“A Jury of Her Peers” by Susan Glaspell, “The Way Up to Heaven” by Roald Dahl; GL, p. 144-189
IN-CLASS: Writers workshop
DUE: Persuasive essay (Draft 1, Bring three copies)

W 3.17
READ: CR—“This Blessed House” by Jhumpa Lahiri, “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway; GL, p. 190-216
IN-CLASS: Reading discussion; Watch—“The Woman with Two Breasts” from Coupling (2000)

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