Friday, March 26, 2010

Assignment: Literary Analysis/Short Answer Responses

Answer the following questions in short answer responses:
  1. Which story takes the most hopeful view of how men and women communicate?
  2. Which two stories best illustrate the differences in the ways men and women communicate?
  3. How do the male protagonists of “Brokeback Mountain” communicate differently than the female protagonists of “A Jury of Her Peers”?
  4. Which story takes the most pessimistic view of how men and women communicate?

Use specific examples from the stories to support your thesis.

The best responses:
  • Will be no more than one paragraph in length
  • Open with a concise thesis
  • Clearly support their thesis with solid evidence from the texts
  • Conclude with a very brief summation of the argument
  • Properly cite evidence using MLA's parenthetical citation method
  • Are in compliance with MLA Style

Due: Wednesday, April 7

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