Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week 15

She might've considered kissing him, even after the horrible first
date, but he just didn't seem to know what to do. However, Jeremy
does have one outstanding quality.
He likes her. And this quality in
a person makes them
infinitely interesting to the person being liked.

—Steve Martin, Shopgirl

Week 15
M 5.3
IN-CLASS: Presentations (Sec. 67: Anand R., Justin N. Maninder B., Ricardo D.; Sec: 69: Melissa A., Kourtney B., Linda C., Emily F.)
DUE: Editorial essay

W 5.5
NO CLASS—Furlough Day (This class only)
DUE: Journal 6 (Must be emailed by 7 PM for credit)


Week 16
M 5.10
IN-CLASS: Final Exam Prep; Writers workshop; Presentations: Zack A., Andrew D., Yuna K.; Sec. 69: Colleen C.; Christina G.; Viviana R.)
DUE: Bring in three copies of the first eight pages of your research paper

W 5.12
IN-CLASS: Presentations (Sec. 67: Nathalie A., Jonathan C., Jefferson B.; Sec. 69: Ian T., Stephanie G., Rachel G., Jeffrey N.)
DUE: Expository essay extra-credit

S 5.15
FINAL EXAM: Time and location TBA (Bring a yellow book)

Week 17
M 5.17
IN-CLASS: Course review, Presentations (Sec. 67: Katie A., Eric A., Sharon S., David K., Ryan A.; Sec. 69: Anthony L., Dante N., Justin L., Kate E., Evan C.)
DUE: Research Paper

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