Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Assignment: Process Essay

It can sometimes be a jarring experience to try something new, especially if it's something not usually done by someone like you. For this assignment, you are asked to participate in an activity that you consider to be associated with the opposite sex. For example, a woman might choose to engage in an online gaming session, or a man might spend some time in a spa. (Of course, just what a feminine or masculine activity is depends on who you ask. So, choices of activity are individual, there is no right or wrong.) Spending time in someone else's shoes, so to speak, helps you better understand their perspective and empathize with their situation.

You will chronicle your experience through a process essay. A process essay informs readers of how something is done or how to do something. The goal is not to simply outline the steps involved in a process, however. The goal should be to illuminate the overall significance of that activity. In other words, the "why" is as important as the "how." Your task is not only explain the process, but to examine the big picture. So, it's not just about explaining how a pedicure is done, but why they are so important to so many people.

St. Cloud University's LEO program offers these points to consider in your process essay:
  • What process are you trying to explain? Why is it important? Who or what does the process affect?
  • Are there different ways of doing the process? If so, what are they?
  • Who are the readers? What knowledge do they need to understand this process?
  • What skills/equipment are needed for this?
  • How long does the process take? Is the outcome always the same?
  • How many steps are there in the process?
  • Why is each step important?
  • What difficulties are involved in each step? How can they be overcome?
  • Do any cautions need to be given?
  • Does the process have definitions that need to be clarified?
  • Are there other processes that are similar and could help illustrate the process that you are writing about?
  • If needed, tell what should not be done or why something should be done.
  • MLA format, including parenthetical citation
  • 2.5-page minimum
  • Spend at least one hour engaged in your activity
The best papers:
  • Stay within the parameters of the task
  • Have a concise thesis which outlines the process
  • Clearly support the thesis with clear and concise illustrations of the steps involved in the activity
  • Conclude with a summation that highlights the larger significance of the activity
  • Properly cite evidence using MLA's parenthetical citation method
Due: Monday, April 19th

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