Friday, May 14, 2010

Wednesday, May 19th by Midnight

That is the NEW time your research paper is due. Be sure to email me by midnight.

Hope the extra time helps. Good luck!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

For Your FInal Exam...

Below I've attached the sample prompts we discussed in class yesterday. I've also included the rubric from which your essay will be scored.

Sample prompt A
Sample prompt B
Final exam rubric

I've also included a sample essay. It's for the 1A exam, but obviously the goals are the same.

Sample 1A prompt
Sample 1A essay

Finally, see you in BBC 130 @ 10 AM this Saturday.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week 16

Who would give a law to lovers? Love is unto itself a higher law.

Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy

Week 16
M 5.10
IN-CLASS: Final Exam Prep; Writers workshop; Presentations: Zack A., Andrew D., Yuna K.; Sec. 69: Colleen C.; Christina G.; Viviana R.)
DUE: Bring in three copies of the first eight pages of your research paper

W 5.12
IN-CLASS: Presentations (Sec. 67: Nathalie A., Jonathan C., Jefferson B.; Sec. 69: Ian T., Stephanie G., Rachel G., Jeffrey N.)

S 5.15
FINAL EXAM: Time and location TBA (Bring a yellow book)


Week 17
M 5.17
IN-CLASS: Course review, Presentations (Sec. 67: Katie A., Eric A., Sharon S., David K., Ryan A.; Sec. 69: Anthony L., Dante N., Justin L., Kate E., Evan C.)
DUE: Research Paper

Note: Expository essay extra-credit due via email by midnight on Friday the 21st