Sunday, May 9, 2010

Week 16

Who would give a law to lovers? Love is unto itself a higher law.

Boethius, The Consolation of Philosophy

Week 16
M 5.10
IN-CLASS: Final Exam Prep; Writers workshop; Presentations: Zack A., Andrew D., Yuna K.; Sec. 69: Colleen C.; Christina G.; Viviana R.)
DUE: Bring in three copies of the first eight pages of your research paper

W 5.12
IN-CLASS: Presentations (Sec. 67: Nathalie A., Jonathan C., Jefferson B.; Sec. 69: Ian T., Stephanie G., Rachel G., Jeffrey N.)

S 5.15
FINAL EXAM: Time and location TBA (Bring a yellow book)


Week 17
M 5.17
IN-CLASS: Course review, Presentations (Sec. 67: Katie A., Eric A., Sharon S., David K., Ryan A.; Sec. 69: Anthony L., Dante N., Justin L., Kate E., Evan C.)
DUE: Research Paper

Note: Expository essay extra-credit due via email by midnight on Friday the 21st

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