Saturday, May 8, 2010

Assignment: Research Paper

After choosing one of the previously posted prompts (here and here), you will write a 10-page research paper on a gender-related issue.

Technical Requirements:
  • Minimum of ten pages in length
  • MLA style, including parenthetical citation (Note: Papers lacking citations will result in an automatic "F")
  • Minimum of 6 outside sources (do not list Wikipedia as a source), listed in an attached MLA works cited page
Look for examples of MLA style, parenthetical citation, and works cited pages under "Writing Resources"

Analytical Requirements:

  • Provide a clear thesis, making an arguable statement about your topic
  • Include contextual information about your subject, as well as potential future outcomes
  • End with a conclusion that illustrates your understanding of the complexities of your topic

Due: 12.15.09 (No late papers accepted)

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